Sarasota NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist - Essential Oils & Wellness Coach
Sarasota NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist - Essential Oils Expert

Best Essential Oils Guide, Resources & Tips

Regain Balance, Energy, Vitality
& Tackle Challenges at their Root
Creating a Foundation for Wellness

NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist

Welcome to myoilguide.com! My name is Scarlet Strapko, I’m a professional aromatherapist but also a mother, grandmother, and woman who had to overcome tremendous life challenges. With great passion, I’m on a mission to help you create foundational wellness, so you can live feeling less stressed, overwhelmed or worried, have tools at your fingertips to support your emotional wellbeing, and incorporate lifestyle tools & routines to boost physical health, sleep, vitality, digestion, and metabolism.

Benefit from a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Here it’s all about YOU!
Making it easy for you to get started or continue on your wellness journey.
Discovering essential oils, supplements & routines that suit you best.
Finding a path & pace that aligns with your goals.
So, you never feel lost or overwhelmed but empowered!

One step, one drop, one change at a time.

Click here to find out why I’m so passionate about helping YOU.

Welcome to myoilguide.com! My name is Scarlet Strapko, I’m a NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist but also a mother, grandmother, and woman who had to overcome tremendous life challenges. So it is with great passion, that I’m sharing about lifestyle tools and routines that help us live feeling less stressed, overwhelmed or worried, supporting emotional wellbeing as well as physical health, vitality and metabolism.

If you are NEW to using essential oils in support of health and wellbeing, here is a great place to get started.




Essential Oils Customized Aromatherapy Products Aromatherapist

As a NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist, my specialty is PERSONALIZED SUPPORT along with personalized essential oil products.

Whether it’s recommending essential oils, daily recipes, and monthly wellness plans that will work best for YOU or even creating specialized custom blends, that are optimized to support your specific goals and needs – I’m here to guide you to find the tools and path that is most beneficial for your specific situation.

Essential Oils & Wellness Shop

Making the use of essential oils easy, affordable, and most beneficial — so you can integrate them seamlessly into your lifestyle and daily routines.

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Products Shop

Get the Support You are Looking For

Scarlet offers personalized services and experience that are hard to find.


A Day in a Life
Essential Oils

Free Essential Oils Class with NAHA Certified Aromatherapist

Reducing Stress &
Boosting Stress
Management Capacity

how to reduce stress and increase stress management capacity

Secrets to Enhancing
Yoga Practice with
Essential Oils

In-Person Wellness Classes

FREE Healthy Lifestyle/Essential Oils eBooks

18+ Tips to Support
Immune Response

eBook Supporting Healthy Immune Response

My Secrets to
Youthful Looking Skin

eBook to Skin Care and Essential Oils

Stress –
Our #1 Enemy

The topic of “Stress, Sleep, Emotions & Physical Wellbeing” is a subject very dear to my heart. I’ve personally been through traumatic and devastating phases in my life which had a tremendous effect on my sleep, emotional balance, stress levels and overall health. So it is with great passion that I share about tools and techniques that can support us in those areas through a 6-week self-paced, online course.

Click here to get started.

Stress and what we can do to manage stress better

Why work with a NAHA Certified Aromatherapist?

Many dabble in essential oils but as a NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist Scarlet is uniquely trained and qualified to help you discover which essential oils YOUR BODY responds to the best, provide tools (essential oils, education, tips, recipes, courses, etc.) that are right for YOU, tackling your life challenges at their root. Scarlet’s thoughtfulness and caring comes to shine in her personalized essential oil blends  & aromatherapy products, her personal guidance, inspiration, motivation, and support that is desperately needed when trying to create lasting change.

“I’ve been through the trenches and have overcome adversity.
I like to listen. I can relate. I care. I like to help.
Feel free to read my story. I hope you’ll get in touch.”
— Sincerely, Scarlet

Scarlet offers aromatherapy services in person in Florida, North Carolina, and California. Nationally and internally via online courses and phone consultations.

Get the Support You are Looking For

Scarlet offers personalized services and experience that are hard to find.

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