
MetaPWR™ Metabolic Assist

MetaPWR Metabolic Assist

How does Assist benefit you? It turns fast carbs into slow carbs reducing our meal-time glood glucose spikes.* What does that mean? Complex carbohydrates are aptly named as their sugar chains are longer and more complicated to digest, making them “slower” and less likely to spike your blood glucose. When taken before a large meal, MetaPWR™ Metabolic Assist includes natural ingredients that can help turn “fast carbs” into “slow carbs”. In basic terms, the
mulberry leaf extract binds to carbohydrates, so the glucose doesn’t hit your blood stream as quickly.*

Blood sugar levels are one of the most significant markers of health. These naturally fluctuate depending on eating and activity patterns. It’s important to note, constant spikes and crashes in your blood sugar are hard on your body and contribute to poor functioning cells. Like blood sugar levels, a rollercoaster ride once or twice a year probably wouldn’t cause long-term issues. However, riding the rollercoaster multiple times a day, week after week might have some consequences. MetaPWR™ Assist contains multiple natural compounds clinically evidenced to promote healthy blood sugar regulation.*

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How we move, what we eat, quality of relationships and rest, along with managing stress and choosing superior supplementation, all play a role in optimal metabolic health. And of course, genetics affects metabolic health too, but exercise, diet, rest, relationships—these are all lifestyle factors that you can influence for the better!

While ‘lifespans’ might be increasing around the globe, how many of those extra years are spent truly feeling healthy and with fullest vitality and wellness? Or are we spending those extra years unable to do the things we love because of poor health? There are no quick-fixes to optimal metabolic function—you still have to make smart and healthy lifestyle decisions—but the MetaPWR™ system can maximize and optimize the effects of your wellness lifestyle choices.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.