Just Getting Started? Great!
If you are new to essential oils or have only used them for their “amazing smell” around the house, you may be wondering why and how we would use them to reduce stress levels, increase energy levels, boost moods, regain emotional balance, and support physical wellbeing. So I’ve put together a little introduction on essential oils below. You may have come across many websites with information on essential oils but which sources can you really trust and rely on?
MyOilGuide.com is designed to guide and help you with sound selfcare tools and techniques incorporating essential oils, backed by the knowledge and experience of a NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist.
What are Essential Oils?
ESSENTIAL OILS ARE NATURAL AROMATIC COMPOUNDS FOUND IN THE SEEDS, BARK, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant. If you have ever enjoyed the gift of a rose, a walk by a field of lavender, or the smell of freshly cut mint, you have experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. Essential oils can lift the mood, calm the senses and elicit powerful emotional responses. Yet the use of essential oils goes well beyond the fragrant appeal.
Why Should We Use Essential Oils?
Essential oils have been used throughout history in many cultures for their therapeutic benefits. Essential Oils work on a cellular level, supporting our body systems when applied topically, aromatically, or ingested (please always follow label instructions of each individual essential oil). Modern trends towards more holistic approaches to self care are driving a rediscovery of the profound wellness benefits of essential oils.
Which Body Systems do Essential Oils Support?
Essential oils are commonly used to SUPPORT all the various body systems, from the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, and urinary system to emotional wellbeing, stress management, and more. Essential oils are wonderful tools ASSISTING the body to bring back into balance what is out of balance, ALLOWING the body to heal itself. Essential oils are not medication.
How do Essential Oils Work?
Essential oils have the highest frequencies of all measurable naturally occurring substances. The frequencies of 100% pure tested grade essential oils can range from 52 to 580 MHz depending on the plant and part of the plant that was used to distill or express the essential oil. Essential oils can be wonderful tools to help the body bring frequencies back into balance where needed. Essential oils also have an inherent chemistry which can be beneficial to support the body. To learn more about essential oil chemistry click here.
How are Essential Oils Created?
100% pure tested grade essential oils are most often extracted via a low-heat steam distillation process in which steam is circulated under pressure through plant material liberating the essential oils into the steam. As the steam mixture cools, the water and oils are separated and the oil is collected in its pure form. Cold press or compression extraction is used to collect essential oils from the rind of citrus fruits. Many factors affect ESSENTIAL QUALITY and the quality is what determines the effects and benefits one can experience and also the safety of use. Click here learn more about essential oil quality and why it is crucial to use highest quality grade essential oils.
Are Essential Oils Safe?
Essential oils are naturally safe and have few, if any, undesirable side effects when used as directed and under guidance of a professional. They are, however, powerfully concentrated and should be used with care. Be sure to use only 100% pure tested grade essential oils and follow all label warnings and instructions. Essential oils should never be used in or near the eyes, inside the ear canal, open wounds, or other sensitive parts of the body. If redness or irritation occurs when using essential oils topically, apply a vegetable oil to the affected area, wipe with a cloth, water will not dilute essential oils. Consult with your physician before using essential oils if you are pregnant or under a doctor’s care.
Are Essential Oils from Different Brands All the Same?
No, they are not. You will find huge quality differences between brands, from completely synthetic and adulterated to 100% Certified Pure Tested grade. Unfortunately, many essential oils on the market today are not certified pure and often contain synthetic fillers which diminish the healthful qualities of the oil, safety of use, and benefits you could experience. Don’t be misled by the labeling “100%” pure – many of these oils may contain as little as only 7% essential oil, which makes you wonder, what is the other 93% in the bottle? First indication that it might be a poor quality essential oil is that the label may indicate “not for topical or internal use”. Click here to learn more about what impacts essential oil quality so you can make an informed decision.
Ready for the next step?
Having proper guidance and feeling confident in using essential oils makes all the difference in the effects and benefits you can experience.

Essential Oil Questions? Need personalized support?
Please connect with me here or schedule a free 20-minute wellness orientation.
Scarlet Strapko, NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist
The information presented is for educational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for medical counseling. The statements made above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.