Scarlet Strapko
NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist® Living in Sarasota, FL
(NAHA is the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapists).
As an Aromatherapist, Scarlet works with people of all ages in person from Sarasota FL to NC to CA and all over the US and beyond via zoom and phone consultations. She doesn’t just focus on the obvious wellness issues but supports her customers as a whole, taking everything into consideration: physical wellness, emotional balance, stress levels, energy levels, sleep, nutrition, exercise, and toxic load. Scarlet helps them discover self care tools that offer support in all areas, guiding them on their journey to live an empowered and healthier lifestyle.
Her training as an Aromatherapist enables her to create custom aromatherapy products and essential oil blends, taking into consideration age, health history, medications the customer may be taking, any sensitivities that have to be considered, and overall health goals. Making custom products is one of the great joys of her wellness practice, being able to design products that make lifestyle changes easy and effective for her customers.
Scarlet’s deepest passion is helping WOMEN, especially generation X women and baby boomers, who juggle a million things, are facing struggles, the entrepreneurs, the caretakers, the women with a passion for health. If you’ve watched her video, you understand why. When you get a chance to work with Scarlet, you learn to support your health, regain balance, have more energy, feel less stressed, change your mindset, be more successful, and live a healthier lifestyle. She even supports a private FB group “From Struggle & Juggle to Wellness & Balance” for information, tips, a place to ask questions and feel supported.
What makes Scarlet an expert on developing skills and tools that really work to achieve those goals? She has faced those challenges. She has overcome those challenges. Now, Scarlet finds herself in this unique place, with this urge to help others do the same. Scarlet’s education as a certified professional aromatherapist coupled with her personal experiences fuels her deep passion for people and wellness, paving the road for positive change.
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