Essential Oils can assist in opening and balancing chakras.
Chakras are flowing energetic vibrations associated with emotional and spiritual energy, linked and in tune with each other. When one or multiple chakras are blocked or unbalanced, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing is affected. 100% pure tested grade essential oils have inherent energetic vibrations with the ability to assist in opening and balancing energy flow, aiding in restoring harmony to the chakras.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Element: Earth
Location: Base of Spine, Pelvic Floor, and the First Three Vertebrae
Color: Red
Organs associated: Blood, Feet, Vertebral column, Skeleton, Bone, Legs
Balancing the root chakra to feeling grounded and safe, creates the foundation for opening the other chakras above. Meditation, yoga, mantras, chanting, colors and gems, can be enhanced with aromatherapy.
Goal: Feeling Balanced, Grounded and Secure
Root Chakra Essential Oil Blend (10ml roll-on)
My specialty essential oil blend contains 100% Certified Pure Cedarwood, Vetiver, Patchouli, Basil, and White Fir Essential Oil in a base of fractionated coconut oil.
Application (at beginning of meditation, yoga, mantra, chanting, using colors or gems):
Apply to base of spine, massage lightly. Apply under the soles of the feet, massage lightly. To use aromatically, you can also apply the blend to your palms and inside of wrists, cup hands 6” from face, close your eyes, inhale counting to four, hold your breath counting to four, exhale counting to four, repeat three times.
Cedarwood Essential Oil:
Cedarwood is a grounding essential oil, clearing away negativity, calming anger, and releasing tension. It instills positive energy, is soothing to the mind and soul, and opens communication with higher realms.
Vetiver Essential Oil:
Vetiver is a grounding and calming essential oil, bringing about not only physical but mental calm. It bridges the gap between the root and crown chakra, calms mental chatter and soothes feelings of anxiousness.
Patchouli Essential Oil:
Patchouli increases sensory levels, aids in feeling stable, peaceful and abundant, feeling connected, liberation from boundaries, and caring for ourselves and others.
Basil Essential Oil:
Basil assists in feeling strengthened, restored, and secure, easing nervousness and anxious feelings.
White Fir Essential Oil:
Assists in developing healthy patterns, stay true to the path of healing, and offers spiritual protection.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
Element: Water
Location: Pelvic area
Color: Orange
Organs associated: Kidney, Bladder, Reproductive system, Genitals
Yoga poses: Bālāsana, Natarajasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana
The sacral chakra is the center of feelings, emotions, experiencing pleasure, sensuality, and intimacy. It is the center of connectedness between the body and emotions, the center that fuels passion and creative energy. Meditation, yoga, mantras, chanting, colors and gems, can be enhanced with aromatherapy.
Goal: Feeling present in your own body and connected to your feelings, experience joy, feeling bright, enjoying intimacy and relationships, sparking passion and creativity.
Sacral Chakra Essential Oil Blend (10ml Roll-on)
My specialty essential oil blend contains 100% Certified Pure Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Bergamot, and Wild Orange Essential Oil in a base of fractionated coconut oil.
Application (at beginning of meditation, yoga, mantra, chanting, using colors or gems):
Apply about 1” below naval, lightly massaging lower abdomen. Lightly massage into lower back area. To use aromatically, you can also apply the blend to your palms, cup hands 6” from face, close your eyes, inhale counting to four, hold your breath counting to four, exhale counting to four, repeat three times.
Sandalwood Essential Oil:
Sandalwood essential oil is calming and instills deep tranquility. It also creates heightened awareness and clarity.
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil:
Ylang Ylang is the oil of passion and intimacy, opens the flow of emotional energy, paves the way to self-love, and enhances feelings of gratitude.
Clary Sage Essential Oil:
Clary Sage is strengthening and relaxing at the same time. It is emotionally balancing and uplifting, and promotes clarity.
Bergamot Essential Oil:
Helps release repressed emotions, releases tension, encourages confidence, enhances the expressive state of being, and instills feelings of joy and inner strength.
Wild Orange Essential Oil:
Wild Orange frees up stagnant life energy, creates feelings of optimism and abundance.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Element: Fire
Location: between naval and solar plexus
Color: Yellow
Organs associated: Digestive system, Pancreas, Liver, Large Intestine, Lung, Stomach, Adrenal gland
Yoga poses: Dhanurasana, Virabhadrasana I, Virabhadrasana II
The solar plexus chakra is the center of our personality and identity, self worth, self expression willpower and self discipline. It is the source of personal power and the power to transform. Meditation, yoga, mantras, chanting, colors and gems, can be enhanced with aromatherapy.
Goal: Moving forward in life, being proactive instead of reactive or inactive, feeling fulfilled, complete, and confident, developing a strong sense of purpose.
Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oil Blend (10ml Roll-on)
My specialty essential oil blend contains 100% Certified Pure Spikenard, Ginger, Clary Sage, Peppermint, and Grapefruit Essential Oil in a base of fractionated coconut oil.
Application (at beginning of meditation, yoga, mantra, chanting, using colors or gems):
Apply about 1” above naval, lightly massaging upper abdomen. To use aromatically, you can also apply the blend to your palms, cup hands 6” from face, close your eyes, inhale counting to four, hold your breath counting to four, exhale counting to four, repeat three times.
Spikenard Essential Oil:
Spikenard aids in letting go of negative patterns, inviting connectedness with inner spirit, easing feelings of anxiousness. It opens the soul to acceptance and gratitude, bringing about inner peace and harmony.
Ginger Essential Oil:
Ginger instills feelings of being present, accountability for life circumstances, commitment and empowerment to bring about change, and promotes moving forward mentally and physically.
Clary Sage Essential Oil:
Clary Sage allows to be fully present and seeks truths. It brings about clarity, feelings of strength and calm to move forward in life, emotionally and physically.
Peppermint Essential Oil:
Peppermint infuses life and clarity into the energy system. It is invigorating to body, mind and soul and fuels mental and physical stamina, optimism, and strength to face emotional pain.
Grapefruit Essential Oil:
Grapefruit helps move stagnant energy, alleviate irritability, reduce feelings of stress, and aids in the acceptance of body, strengthening feelings of self-worth.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Element: Air
Location: in the center of the chest at the heart level
Color: Green
Organs associated: Heart, Circulatory System, Lungs, Breasts, Lymphatic System, Thymus gland
Yoga poses: Uttanasana, Bakasana, Ustrasana
The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion, kindness and joy – the unifying chakra where body and spirit meet. It harnesses the essence of our spirit and soul and allows us to see the fundamental truth how everything in life is connected. Meditation, yoga, mantras, chanting, colors and gems, can be enhanced with aromatherapy.
Goal: Accept and love yourself, move beyond grievances, truly forgive and let go of anger, fear, hatred or jealousy, open the heart to love, empathy, and compassion.
Heart Chakra Essential Oil Blend (10ml Roll-on)
My specialty heart chakra blend contains 100% Certified Pure Ylang Ylang, Cypress, Marjoram, Bergamot, Wild Orange, and Neroli Essential Oil blended with fractionated coconut oil.
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil:
Ylang Ylang is calming to the heart, helps to release tension, reunites emotional aspects of self, and opens the flow of emotional energy, paving the way to self-love, experiencing joy, and compassion for others.
Marjoram Essential Oil:
Marjoram is cleansing, soothing, relaxing, and helps opening the heart to love and trust.
Cypress Essential Oil:
Cypress supports physical and energetic circulation, provides strength and comfort to a discouraged heart, helps overcome fears, release tension, and helps encourage to move forward.
Bergamot Essential Oil:
Bergamot releases pent up feelings and repressed emotions, releases tension, encourages confidence, enhances the expressive state of being, and instills feelings of joy, inner strength, and courage.
Wild Orange Essential Oil:
Wild Orange frees up stagnant life energy, creates feelings of optimism and abundance.
Neroli Essential Oil:
Neroli helps opening the heart to love, light, reflection, and pure intentions, it encourages self-love, self-acceptance, and courage.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Element: Aæther, Spirit
Location: neck
Color: Green
Organs associated: Thyroid, Parathyroid, Esophagus, Cervical vertebrae, Larynx, Trachea, Neck, Jaw, Mouth, Tongue, and Shoulder region
Yoga poses: Ustrasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Simhasana
The throat chakra is at the center of seeking and sharing of truth. Listening, communicating openly and with honesty, and expressing beliefs with authenticity. Meditation, yoga, mantras, chanting, colors and gems, can be enhanced with aromatherapy.
Goal: speaking truth with kindness and compassion, verbalize what is important to you and others, connecting with intuitive abilities, projecting ideas and realizing your life’s purpose
Throat Chakra Essential Oil Blend (10ml Roll-on)
My specialty throat chakra blend contains 100% Certified Pure Frankincense, Cypress, Geranium, and Eucalyptus Essential Oil in a base of fractionated coconut oil.
Application (at beginning of meditation, yoga, mantra, chanting, using colors or gems):
Apply to center of throat. To use aromatically, you can also apply the blend to your palms, cup hands 6” from face, close your eyes, inhale counting to four, hold your breath counting to four, exhale counting to four, repeat three times.
Frankincense Essential Oil:
Frankincense increases spiritual awareness and openness to communication. It enables to let go of lies, deception and negativity, connecting the soul to the inner light, enabling to express thoughts and emotions with kindness.
Cypress Essential Oil:
Cypress supports physical and energetic circulation, provides strength and comfort when feeling discouraged, helps overcome fears, and instills courage to speak your truth.
Geranium Essential Oil:
Geranium moves stagnant energy, clearing the way for self expression, speaking your truth, intimate communication, and creative expression. It restores confidence, facilitates trust, and aids to communicate with empathy, tolerance, love, and openness.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil:
Eucalyptus aids the body and soul in clearing the throat, creating a feeling of expansiveness and instilling inner freedom. It paves the way for clear communication and self-expression.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Element: Light
Location: Between the eyebrows, behind the forehead, above the base of the nose
Color: Indigo
Organs associated: Eyes, Nervous system, Brain, Pineal gland, Pituitary gland, Ears
Yoga poses: Bālāsana, Janusirsasana, Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
The third eye chakra is at the center of intuition and foresight, self reflection, and spiritual connection. It enables us to see deeper truths, have clear thought, access psychic abilities and reach a state of illumination. Meditation, yoga, mantras, chanting, colors and gems, can be enhanced with aromatherapy.
Goal: overcome self limiting thoughts and beliefs, seeing not just with the eye but observing with conscience and wisdom, heightening awareness, accessing inner visions, creating balance between both hemispheres of the brain (creative and logical thinking), sparking inspiration, and creativity.
Third Eye Chakra Essential Oil Blend (10ml Roll-on)
My specialty third eye chakra blend contains 100% Certified Pure Vetiver, Frankincense, Marjoram, Juniper Berry, Cypress, and Galbanum Essential Oil in a base of fractionated coconut oil.
Application (at beginning of meditation, yoga, mantra, chanting, using colors or gems):
Apply to center of forehead, above the base of the nose (do not touch eyes or allow to get into eyes). To use aromatically, you can also apply the blend to your palms, cup hands 6” from face, close your eyes, inhale counting to four, hold your breath counting to four, exhale counting to four, repeat three times.
Vetiver Essential Oil:
Vetiver promotes psychic awareness and intuition.
Frankincense Essential Oil:
Frankincense increases spiritual awareness, aids with visualization, supports focus and concentration, and creates balance.
Marjoram Essential Oil:
Marjoram opens the third eye, instills balance to the mind, is restorative and cleansing, and brightens emotional state of being.
Juniper Berry Essential Oil:
Juniper Berry heightens psychic awareness, sparks intuition, and improves self-awareness.
Cypress Essential Oil:
Cypress supports physical and energetic circulation, provides strength and comfort, instills courage to let go of the past and trust in the flow of life.
Clary Sage:
Clary Sage opens the soul and thought process to new ideas, new perspectives and experiences, helps overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, opens creative channels and clears creative blocks.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Element: Space & Time
Location: Crown of head or slightly above the head
Color: Violet
Organs associated: Brain, Nervous System, Pituitary Gland, Pineal Gland, Hypothalmus, Endocrine System
Yoga poses: Shavasana, Vriksasana, Sirsasana, Half Lotus Pose
The crown chakra is at the center of experiencing unity with oneself and the universe, it is a receiver and giver of energy, the point where physical body and spirit meet. Meditation, yoga, mantras, chanting, colors and gems, can be enhanced with aromatherapy.
Goal: experiencing higher consciousness and wisdom, feeling interconnected with the universe, open to the divine but at the same time firmly rooted, liberated from limiting patterns, develop the ability to live with faith, trust and gratitude, and experience bliss.
Crown Chakra Essential Oil Blend (10ml Roll-on)
My specialty crown chakra blend contains 100% Certified Pure Sandalwood, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, and Rosemary Essential Oil in a base of fractionated coconut oil.
Application (at beginning of meditation, yoga, mantra, chanting, using colors or gems):
Apply to crown of head. To use aromatically, you can also apply the blend to your palms, cup hands 6” from face, close your eyes, inhale counting to four, hold your breath counting to four, exhale counting to four, repeat three times.
Sandalwood quiets mental chatter, instills feelings of peace, creates mental clarity, and allows to access a higher state of consciousness.
Frankincense invites tranquility, spiritual liberation, and spiritual connection. It aids visualization, supports focus and concentration, creates feelings of balance, while awakening the soul.
Lavender invites life force to flow freely through the body, releases pent up emotions, and has calming effects on the body and mind.
Lemon is clarifying, increases awareness, and focus, helps to release negative emotions.
Rosemary stimulates the conscious mind, mental clarity, openness to new experiences, and trust in higher power. It enables to look deeper, ask soul searching questions, and develop true intellect.
Pair Chakra Blends with a Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy Bracelet!
Apply your special chakra balancing essential oil blend(s) on the lava bead in the middle between your chakra gemstone beads. Essential oils scent stays on lava beads for up to 24 hours giving you even greater support with balancing your chakras.
Beautiful crystal gemstones:
Red Agate (root chakra), Carnelian (sacral chakra), Jade (solar plexus chakra), Green Moss Agate (heart chakra), Aquamarine Tiger Eye (throat chakra), Royal Blue Tiger Eye (third eye chakra), Amethyst (crown chakra) each paired with a lava bead for essential oils application.

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